Western NH Trail Running Series - 2025
Online Registration Ends Fri. May 9, 2025 at 5:00 pm
Event Location: |
Series in NH & VT |
First Event at Bernice A Ray Elementary School |
Hanover, NH 03755 |
Event Contact: |
Event Information: |
Western NH Trail Running Series Registration 2025
You can give a registration to Western NH Trail Running Series to a love one or friend!
It is easy to do. You fill out your contact information. Then for any participant you wish to give the Series Gift, just add their name in the "Gift For" box.
We will send a separate email to you with a gift certificate with a promo code in pdf format.
Then your friend(s) or loved one can signup and use the promo code as their payment (FREE).
Series Events:
Please note, the information on the following event sites will be updated in the coming months as details are finalized but the dates and order of events listed below has been finalized.
Great Price
Ages 14&Under * 8 events FREE Ages 15-19 * 9 events for $105.00 - $11.67 per event Ages 20+ * 9 events for $139.95 - $15.55 per event
Individual Events Pre-Reg 14&under FREE Ages 15-19 $20.00 Ages 20+ $25.00
Age Groups for Series Points
Male & Female 11&under , 12-14 , 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+
Racing Age
Age group will be determined by your age on December 31st, of the racing season. We need to fix a firm age for the season so people will not race at one age in January and at a different age in March if they have a birthday in between. For example: if you are currently 29 in June, but will turn 30 on December 31, you will race in the 30-39 division the entire season.